What is eSettlement ?      
With the advent of apexetrade online trading, Apex Securities Berhad has now taken another innovative step with the implementation of eSettlement as the online settlement service.
As an apexetrade user, you will able to settle your trades via our eSettlement facility. The process of online trading will thus, become seamless. You can look forward to, not only a convenient and smoother payment process, but also with greater flexibility. For instance, you may :
  • view and select your trades for settlement
  • select your choice of payment modes
  • view your settlement status online
all these, within a secured eSettlement environment.
More importantly, eSettlement allows you to settle your trades in two (2) modes, i.e
  • utilise your available cash/ credit items in your account to set-off the payment, and/ or
  • transfer funds via Internet Banking
With the above payment alternatives, you will able to manage your funds in a very flexible way. For this convenience, Apex Securities Berhad has made arrangements with MayBank2U.com to facilitate the online transfer of funds, for you to direct the debiting of the requisite amount for your online settlement. To enable you to do this, you will need to apply for Internet Banking service with Maybank.