FAQ - Trading
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  1 Which market can I trade on apexetrade.com
At the moment, you can trade on all stocks listed on the Bursa Malaysia, Malaysia.
  2 When can I submit my order?
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When the market is in session, your order(s) will be routed directly to the dealer's representative. However, if the market is closed, your order(s) will be routed to the dealer's representative in the next session when the market opens.
  3 How will I know how much is my trading limit?
Trading limit is reflected in the main page named "Order Pad".
  4 How do I buy or sell odd lots?
You need to change the Quote Screen platform from "Normal Board Lot" to "Normal Odd Lot". The Order Pad quantity will change from (Qtyx100) to (Qtyx1).
  5 How to view my order status?
Click on "Order Book" in function menu bar and select "Order status" for viewing order status for the trading day.
  6 Can I revise or cancel an order?
Yes, you can revise or cancel if your order has not been matched by Bursa Malaysia.
  7 How do I revise order quantity or price?
  • Click on the "Order Book" in function menu bar and select "Order Status"

  • Select the particular unmatched order

  • Right click your mouse pointer and select "Revise"

  • You will saw the action in the order pad has been switched to "Revise"

  • Change the quantity or price of the order, key in trading pin and click "Revise"
  •   8 How do I cancel an order?
  • Click on the "Order Book" in function menu bar and select Order Status"

  • Select the particular unmatched order

  • Right click your mouse pointer and select "Cancel"

  • You will saw the action in the order pad has been switched to "Cancel"

  • Key in trading pin and click "Cancel"
  •   9 What will happen to my unmatched orders at the end of a trading day?
    All unmatched orders for the day will expire at the end of that trading day. However, if it is a Good Till Date (GTD) order (this is a Standing Instruction, good till a certain date specified by the client), it will automatically re-queue at each trading session until it is matched, or when the instruction expired, rejected or failed.
      10 What is the Good Till Date (GTD) order?
    Good Till Date (GTD) Order is a conditional request made to the broker (or the system) to keep the order in system till a predetermined date, unless it is executed or cancelled. Normally the order gets canceled at the end of the day, if it is not executed.
      11 What is the maximum timeframe for a GTD order?
    You may place a GTD order for a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the day the order is submitted. However, if this Standing Instruction order is rejected or failed, it will NOT automatically re-queue at the next trading session. When this happens, you are advised to key in a fresh Instruction.
      12 What happens if I make a mistake, such as buying or selling the wrong stock?
    Once a trade is matched, it is treated in the same manner as trades executed through your dealer's representative. We advise you to exercise caution in your choice of stock and extra care in the online submissions of your orders.
      13 In what situations would an order be considered unacceptable?
    An order will be considered unacceptable is any of the following situations:
    • A counter has not been selected
    • The stock quantity is less than or equal to zero
    • The stock quantity has exceeded the maximum quantity allowed in a single trade
    • The stock price is less than or equal to zero
    • The stock price has exceeded the upper or lower price limit allowed
    • The stock price is not in accordance with the price bid interval as provided by Bursa Malaysia
    • The order date was submitted wrongly ie. backdating is not allowed
    • The particular counter has been suspended
    • You have no trading limit
    • You have exceeded your trading limit
    • Your trading account has been suspended
    • Your account has not been activated
      14 Description of order status?
    The status of every order is tracked in the "Order Status" screen. Generally, there are 8 types of status

      Status Description
    1. Cancelled Your order has been successfully cancelled and is confirmed by the Exchange.
    2. Expired Your orders has expired if it has not been matched by the time market closes on the day
    3. Filled Your order has been matched at the exchange
    4. Partially Filled Your order has been partially matched, with the match quantity showed
    5. Pending Queue Your order is accepted in the Apexetrade but yet to accepted by the Exchange
    6. Queued Your order that has been sent and duly acknowledged by the Exchange.
    7. Rejected Your order has been rejected. You may view the reason for rejection by right click your mouse pointer and select "Order Detail"
    8. Replaced Your request to reduce order quantity/price is confirmed by the Exchange For example, a request to cancel or revise an order was initiated but could not be processed because a matching process is in progress.

    Important tip:
    In order to view the updated status at any point in time, please refresh your screen by pressing F5 (Refresh shortcut key)
      15 How can I track 'Off Market Hours' orders?
    Orders placed during 'Off Market Hours' can be tracked in 'Order Status' under the category 'Instruction' until the next trading day.
      16 How do I set up my stock portfolio in the system?
    The system will manage the portfolio for you. This portfolio will be automatically updated whenever a buy and/ or sell order has been matched.
      17 Can I submit or amend orders via email?
    No, we do not accept submissions or amendments of orders via email. All orders and cancellations must be placed through our recognized trading channels, which is, the Internet or telephone.
      18 How do I view my historical order?
    Click on "Order Book" in function menu bar, select "Order History", key in the order dates and click the search button. All historical orders will be kept up to 3 months.
      19 What type of transaction costs do I need to pay in order to trade online?
    There is NO additional transaction cost! You only need to pay for:
    • Brokerage Commission (below are the rates effective from 1st Feb 2008)
      Contract valueCommission Rate (%)
      <100,0000.60 of contract value
      >100,0000.30 of contract value
      Online routed retail trades
      Same day buy and sell
      Up to 30% discount
      0.15% of contract value

      Minimum commission for loan stock transactions shall remain unchanged at RM2.00 and for other transactions shall remain at RM28.00 per contract for online trades.
    • Clearing fee for On-Market of 0.03% of contract value
    • stamp duty fee (For "shares or stocks" - RM1.00 for every RM1,000 contract value or fraction of the value of the contract, subject to the maximum of RM1,000 ; and For "marketable securities"- RM1.00 for every RM1,000 contract value or fraction of the value of the contract, subject to the maximum of RM200), .
      20 What happens if I am away from my computer? How can I place an order?
    If you are away from your computer or have some difficulty placing an electronic order you may call your designated dealer's representative to place a trade at no extra charge. For your easy management, all Phone Orders will be reflected under your online "Order Status" screen upon submission, and are indicated with a "P" in the "Order Status" screen under the "Order No" column.
      21 What is a contra transaction?
    A contra transaction takes place when you buy and sell the same counter/ stocks within T+2.

    It is a transaction where a member company allows its clients to settle outstanding purchase positions against outstanding sales positions of the same securities.
      22 What is a Limit Order?
    A Limit Order is a Buy or Sell Order of shares at a specified price, or better. In this case, the order will not be completed at a price higher for a Buy Order or lower for a Sell Order than the specified price. While this type of order offers the investor some security in the cost of the transaction, it also narrows the possibility of an executed order. An investor would commonly use this type of order if he wants to achieve a targeted price during a specified time period.
      23 I wish to check my shares?
    Click on "Portfolio" menu and select "Equities Portfolio" for viewing your shares.
    This portfolio will be automatically updated whenever buy or sell order has been matched.
      24 If I have more than one trading account with the etrade facility, how do I ensure I trade under the desired account?
    In the 'Buy/ Sell Applet' click on the little arrow under 'Account No/ Name'. Your trading account/s maintained with Apex will appear. Click on the desired account to trade.
      25 What happens if I submit an order after the market is closed?
    An order submitted after the close of the market is classified as a Standing Instruction. You may view and manage these standing instructions at the "Pending Instruction" screen. Your order will be queued for execution when the market opens on the next trading day.
      26 How can I amend my personal information?
    You may contact your designated dealer representative (03-7890 8833) or remisier to update your personal information. Alternatively, you may email your client updating of particulars form to apexetrade@apexsecurities.com.my

    Effective 1st Oct 2018, paper statement fee will be subjected to company charges.

    Please activate or register Estatement on www.apexsec.com.my
    Contact us at 03-7890 8811